Ron Blett: June 10th thru August 11, 2018
Ron Blett: Go With the Flow
Ron Blett came to Mendocino to make pottery in 1967. Over the years he has continued to make beautiful art in many different mediums. This series of paintings started with the selection of 6 colors that affected him emotionally. He then became interested in how he felt when he looked at the place where the colors mets. “I soon realized that dripping and scraping produced the largest amount of interface area. Soon, high flow paints came along and I discovered a new world of 3 dimensional images and a fascinating new process. This awakened my appreciation of the new materials and processes. The specific gravity of individual colors comes into play with heavier pigments sinking below the lighter colors Two thirds of the painting may be white but very little white remains because the lighter colors have floated to the surface.”
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